Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

to the Wise Wood class of 2004

Heather and I were just watching our grad video and i got all nostalgic. I decided to post some 'vintage' pictures if you will.. i wish i had more but these are from the prehistoric age when we had to scan pictures if we wanted them to be on the computer. Intermingled with the pictures are some of the things i miss from days gone by:

  • hanging out at sheas
  • musical theatre practice
  • Jax, Heat and my super long 30 page msn conversation
  • photo shoots
  • cast parties!!
  • JBC runs with Tristan, James, Steve and Steve

  • watching volleyball games
  • hanging in the foyer
  • hugs from adam (although i get one from time to time at UofC)
  • Blaine cracking jokes in Brandi's calculus class
  • Mr. Edwards making fun of EVERYONE
  • Lindsay smelling like cat pee
  • McChicken day with Heather and Daphne

  • parties at Rudy's house
  • that time Mosleys band played in his basement and Rielle and I sang crazy train
  • hugs hugs and more hugs from the people i love love LOVE! (especially at The Wiz rehearsals.. Rielle, Mike, Rio, Heather, Lindsay, Matt E, Rudy, Mosley)
  • fighting with Mosley in rehearsal only to make up an hour later
  • vacation in Vic. with Robyn!
  • the time we went bowling and i schooled you guys
  • redecorating my room with crazy lights
  • spare with Lindsay, Pam, Rudy, Heather F, and the crew 1st semester
  • spare with Robyn and Katie 2nd semester

I COULD GO ON.. and on.. and onnnn.. and i will if you want me to. If you have any more old pics u want me to put up then just let me know, i love looking back on the good old days. You guys rule. I LOVE YOU ALL so much and please remember all of the great times we had. Great now i'm crying. . . look what u made me do.

Don't let me let you go


PS: to put yourself in the mood i'm in right now, look through grad pics and listen to these songs:

  • The Heart of the Matter - Don Henley
  • Here's to the Night - Eve 6
  • The Dance - Garth Brooks

Monday, December 27, 2004

theme breakfast!!

The other night Duncan was sick of packing for his trip and i was home alone and bored, so.. what better to do at 2 in the morning than go for a pajama theme breakfast at Denny's? WELL i'll tell you.... KIDNAPPING AKIVA AND GOING FOR A PAJAMA THEME BREAKFAST AT DENNYS!!

Duncan stole my christmas hat and wore it the entire time. Thats hot.

What better location for a photoshoot than a booth at the glamorous Bistro de Denny.

Can you say pooper? POOOOPER!! (ps: like my cherry shorts? hot combo i know)

Alright well i don't have any freaking pictures of akiva from that night, dammit. But I assure you we were all wearing our pjs, and coincidentally they all matched - plaid blue pj pants. WEIRD! I think the theme breakfast will have to become a tradition, what will the theme be next??

Leave me a msg if you have any ideas for the next theme breakfast and if you want to come, let me know!! YAY! Hopefully next time the creepy waiter guy won't hit on my male friends.


PS: Paula and Keith i wish you were 18 too! but you don't have to be 18 to come for theme breakfast!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Collages galore!!

Colleen loves a good collage, which is why she has assembled 3 beautiful collages here for your viewing pleasure.
We all went out to Ceilis for snacks and booze and had some hilarious times. I (of course) brought along my cam and took some candid shots of my goofball friends.

First up - Evans Collage

Oh and then i don't even remember but we were talking about but Akiva was being dumb and answered in sign language, so of course i had to collage that moment!

Akiva's Collage (aka Me too!.. When?)

And now for the final collage, my beautiful friends star in:

I have weird friends - the collage


Alright now scroll down cause there's another brand new entry right below this, i've been so busy up until this very moment that i only had time to TAKE pictures.. not post them!

eggsplosion and a humptypop

Alright well i forget what day it was but sometime after the last entry and before the next one, we went out for a night on the town. First we went to a 'building party' that my brothers building was having. Now first you have to understand that my brother lives in an apartment on 17th ave, and that allllll of the people in his building have piercings and dread locks.. ALL. So we got there and honestly there were people EVERYWHEREEEE, this place was packed! People in the halls, in the rooms, all over 3 floors. AND there was a keg. Unfortunately by the time we got there all the big cups were gone so as you can see.. Evan and Akiva and James found these little dixie cup things. AHAH

(click on the pictures to make them visible)

Then we smoked some Nargila (hookah, shisha, what have you) which is flavored tobacco, with these cool people in the pic on the left (my brothers friend Taisa and her boyfriend Jimmy). It was 2 apples flavor, mmmm tobacco-y and sugary. Oh and on the right there is me and my broder.
Well then after that we went to meet up with Duncs at Cowboys where he works. We weren't there for very long cause we didn't get there till like 1, but after that we went to HUMPTYS!!! Oh my gosh i laughed so hard that night that my abs hurt for 2 entire days after that. SO much fun. I will leave you with this lovely picture of E-Bone eating his 'Eggs-plosion', and a quote that i have come to know and love:

"One eggs-plosion and a HumptyPAP!.. and a scrambler with a HumptyMILK!"
I'm so happy you guys are home for the holidays!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

christmas comes early this year!


Alright well since my parents are going to be on vacation for christmas, we had our christmas celebration early. I got a new discman.. woot! and some money to buy more yarn (my parents know how obsessed i am with knitting/crochet), and some more money to buy whatever i REALLY want for christmas, which will probably be clothes :) I got my brother a toaster and you would NOT believe how happy he was. He was like MANNN NOW I CAN MAKE TOAST!! wow.. simple pleasures. And now here's all of us in all our santa hat glory.

Okay well here's the fun part. not only did christmas come early for my family, but it came early in my summerstock family too.. we had our christmas party tonight! WHAT FUN!! Here are a zillion million pictures which took me a bajillion years to upload, so browse through.. click on each one to make it big enough to actually see :)

Here's the mittens i made for Secret Santa, and there's Janine, the proud recipient donning her new apparel. MAN it took me all night to crochet these mittens but it was so worth it. Mittens on a string.. what a wonderful thing!!

Matt with a monkey around his neck and Colleen on a chair on a table, what more can i say?

OH i taught Matt how to knit today, i am SO PROUD!! He knit all night.. all the way through dinner, all the way through cleanup, and probably all the way home while he was driving :p By the end of the night he really had the hang of it, hopefully he has the stamina to finish his red and white striped scarf.

K the pic on the left is so cute but .. umm.. is that mistletoe i see on the right?? ACK

Ooooh look at the bag i got for secret santa. Any of you who know the bag story.. please don't say anything anymore! it's over!! the bag is too cute.. look it's bullwinkle.. or maybe just another very attractive moose.

From the left... Janine, Paula, and I.

Alright well after the x-mas party some of us went to Zack's for a little shindig. Some people played poker, i try to stay away from gambling on a game i'm terrible at, so we watched the OC dvds from season 1, and chatted. It was superfun, i'm so glad we finally had a little summerstock party :) Thanx Zack.

2 of my favorite people EVER!! but they made me take this picture 5 times just to get a good one of them. oh dear, what primadonnas!

AWWWW could you BE any CUTER? Oh and here's CJ with the poster she stole from the school. HAHA look she's making the face of the baby in the poster! GENIUS I SAY!!

Alright i promise that's it!! Feel free to download these pics if you're in any of them. I love you guys thanx for a great night!!


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

3 down... 2 to GO!

WOOT! So now i'm thoroughly done with BSEN, Calculus, and Stats213 . WOOOOT!! I have anthropology tomorrow, which i am currently avoiding studying for, then Econ203 on Monday and then i'm DONE!!!

Alright now for a peek at another one of my secret projects, this one was TOO cute i just couldn't keep it away from the world.

You'll never GUESS what it is! And if you know.. don't say .. cause its supposed to be a SECRET!
Alright well i should get going, do some studying, get ready for the SUMMERSTOCK CHRISTMAS PARTY on Friday!! YAAAY

And now for something really special: i made up some little songs about people that i know read this, while avoiding studying! Enjoy:


(to the tune of the 'comet' song)
Paula, her hair is brown and straight
Paula, her personality's GREAT
Paula... is kinda smalla
But she is talla than alla the elves


Kiva kiva kiva... i made him out of clay
kiva kiva kiva... i made him here today
kiva kiva kiva... but much to my dismay
kiva kiva kiva... he jumped and rolled away
THATS IT FOLKS, i'll be here all night

Monday, December 13, 2004

Pictures Galore!

Well well well, what a fun-filled study-less weekend! Mannn i so didn't do any studying and now i have 1 day to study for 3 tests that start on tuesday. this is BAD news. but oh well, if i don't know it by now then it can't be that important :p

So despite my previous rant about boys and not calling, i did have a super fun night at Cowboys on thursday night. Even if cuties don't call, meeting them is fun enough for me :) So Friday night after Summerstock i picked up a slightly intoxicated Ryan and we rented "Saved!" (the Mandy Moore movie) and bought ice cream (Rolo, of course!). Here's the bad news: me, being the idiot that i am, forgot that my DVD player just stopped working last week during the "Sex and the City" marathon i had. SO .. us being the problem solvers that we are.. didn't give up, oh no. We watched the goddamn movie on my laptop and hooked the sound up to my surround sound. HAH so we had big sound.. and litttttle screen. To show you JUST how adventurous we really are, i took a picture of the lovely set up:

Alright and then after work on Saturday we all went out for Beth's 18th birthday!!!! FINALLY she's 18! Poor girl had to wait this long. Here are a couple pics of us at Coyotes:

We couldn't fit that many good looking people in one shot so we had to take 2!

And of course, what would a birthday be without a bunch of ALCOHOL!

There's the b-day girl taking some interesting looking shots!

Well, needless to say, after all those drinks.. she was getting a litttttle crazy. Look at her go!

Alright well thats enough pictures for one evening. I did a bit of studying tonight and tomorrow is going to be ALLLL about the calculus. So, i should go now and maybe get a little shut-eye. 1 week tomorrow and it'll be allllllll over .. for this year :p



Friday, December 10, 2004

What's wrong..

with boys these days? I had a superfun tonight with friends at The Den and then at Cowboys, yet somehow the fun is dampened by a looming thought.. Boys NEVER call back! I met a really cute guy and everything was great yet i just KNOW that he won't call, cause they just never do. Is this a problem that only happens to ME, or are males everywhere just dropping the ball?

I mean sure, nobody expects some random bar guy to be prince charming and to call the next day and take you out (even though for SOME REASON he just HAD to get your number), BUT if its someone from school that you met through someone else and they seem really decent and nice and promise PROFUSELY to call you the next day .. i mean WHAT THE HELL. If you don't want to call me, don't call me... i'm not going to break down and die, but don't TELL me you're going to call and get my number if you really have no intentions of calling! That does nothing but get a girls hopes up and then crush them all within one measly little week of anxious uncertainty.

So, i guess this is just my personal plea to all the boys out there ... DONT be that guy! That guy sucks and everyone hates him. And maybe i would just like an answer... have i been meeting all the wrong guys?.. am i looking in all the wrong places?.. is it too much to ask for a freaking honest answer to the 'are you really going to call me' question? .. what IS UP!?!

:) other than that i had a great night, thanx to Ryan for his superior sober driving skills :)

PS: the "Coal"gary Flames did great on our presentation
PPS: first semester is officially over, now to just survive exams and then i'll be GOLDEN!

Monday, December 06, 2004

I can be just as emo as Paula. Look at me go!

PS: theres still an entirely new entry below this, i just decided to make this insane collage at 1:30 in the morning for no reason :)

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Well, anyone who checked this earlier must have thought i was nuts for posting nothing but a tiny piece of a crocheting project picture. AGH i had an entire post up but i guess something went horribly, horribly wrong. Thanx to Keith and Paula for being super friends and commenting anyways.. judging by keiths comment i'd say he actually read the post that was up here before.. so WTF! i don't get how it can just disappear like that. NOT cool

Anyhow i posted this picture to show you a little snippet of one of my secret projects. I didn't want to give it all away but i wanted you to see how pretty the yarn is.. so there you are.

Click for a bigger view

*Well i'm on my 5th straight episode of Sex and the City season four tonight (lent to me by Ryan/Ryans sister) and my whoknowswhatnumberth episode this weekend. I'm not going to lie to you.. it's been over 10. Yep. i'm so hooked. read on if you're interested in my personal life...

Carrie and Aidan have been breaking up, getting back together, getting engaged, and breaking up again. Reminds me of SOMEONE i know. But it seems to be over for good... for both of the aforementioned couples. Sad eh? I can't believe i let go. I think.. i know this sounds dumb but i think watching Sex and the City is actually helping me! My mom thinks i'm crazy for sure, locked up in my bedroom all weekend watching dvds on my laptop. Oh well!! I'm done with it... and i'm not talking about the DVDs.. read between the lines ;)

My Weekend in a Nutshell:
  • first tap rehearsal at summerstock
  • watched an insane movie with an insanely cute boy
  • made platonic ryan study monkeys with me, and then watch my home videos of musical theatre
  • watched Sex in the City
  • watched more Sex in the City
  • worked on BSEN project
  • made rice krispie squares
  • worked on secret crochet project
  • watched a heck of a lot more Sex and the City
  • ate a lot of rice krispie squares

So there you have it. I might even venture to say that this entry is better than the one that i lost. I love all of you and can't wait for you travellers to come home for christmas break. Akiva, Lindsay, MattE, Heather F, everyone...COME HOME! And call ME first thing when you do.



PS: i know its dorky but i had to tell you.. our BSEN group did our project on Fording Coal Trust, and we had to come up with a group name. So guess what we picked.. the "Coal"gary Flames! Get it? Coal burns to produce FLAMES!! how genius is that. Can't wait to stand in front of the class in business suits and present the "Coal"gary Flames to the entire room with a straight face :) oh man we're all in hockey withdrawl

Thursday, December 02, 2004


i'm working on 2 secret projects right now, i wish i could show you the works in process, i keep itching to take pictures and post them cause this yarn i'm working with is SO yummy, but i can't! i'm sure at some point the people that these surprises are being made for will stumble upon this post and then what kind of surprise would that be! I guess we'll all just have to wait for christmas so i can post them on their proud new owners.

In other news, tonight i went tap shoe shopping. Not so successful. A lady is coming over tomorrow morning b4 i go to school to show me these shoes she has but they might be too big, i'm worried. If all else fails i'll just get taps put on my character shoes, but i really wanted to have tappers for tomorrow's rehearsal. I guess i could wear my old oxford taps but they're pretttty small on me.

So, me and Rielle decided that today didn't exist. Thursday.. GONNNNE! We were talking on Wednesday about how we just wanted rehearsal to come so we could dance and laugh and sing and have fun and be happy together and thursday was just IN THE FREAKING WAY.. so we got rid of it. I still had to go to school and hand in my BSEN project and all, because it would just take me too long to explain to my prof and my group that i decided Thursday didn't exist. I took one for the team there. But i did skip anthro so that made up for it!! Then i came home, shopped for those tap shoes, and then watched The OC, The Apprentice, and 2 episodes of MTV duets. WHATS WRONG WITH ME. Honestly when i get my degree i think i should just go work in television cause its already consuming my entire life.

Right so anyhow i watched TV and oh i was interrupted in the middle of the OC when Rory called from Florida, so i missed about 15 min of it, but thats alright i rarely hear from him so it was nice. HOW much would i like to be in Florida right now. BOO. So i realllllly didn't study any math which was my main goal for tonight seeing as i have my last quiz ever in math tomorrow. BAH and i'm going to do terrible on it now, what a great way to end the year. I guess i still can make up for it on the final but i REALLY don't see that happening seeing as its my first final which means least time to study and just overall unhappiness.

Alright well MAYBE i'll go study for a bit now


PS: i bought new dance pants.. and a matching zip up sweater... they are black and pink, go figure!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

nine shiny new things to talk about

First of all, RYAN, i'm pretty sure there are a few different ways to spell the Jewish holiday that takes place in december. So i'm just not even gonna try anymore.

Second, you know what makes me angry? Ryan and I were at Starbucks today and we went super early.. like 7:30 so that we could get tons of homework done. Well we sat close to the nice comfy chairs by the fireplace so that as soon as the people that were sitting there got up, we could take over and reign supreme over the best spot in the house. WELL some biotch who came in after us just JACKED it out from under me, i was on my way over to take the spot and she just swooooooped in with her big butt and took the chair. GAH you don't even understand how angry that made me, we were clearly there first and we were clearly waiting. ARGH how can people be like that.. now my butt hurts from the really hard wooden chair i was forced to sit in for 2 hours underneath the air conditioner instead of by the WARM FIRE. end rant

Third, i NEED to make myself some of these.

Aren't they just delicious? Not that i would be able to wear them outside in calgary in the winter AT ALL, but i'd definitely wear them to summerstock rehearsals. So i'm going to make myself some via this pattern i found on (thats where this pic is from). YAY, now to just decide what color!

Fourth, PAULA i lost your blog address cause when my brothers friend came over to try and fix my internet, it erased all the things i had on my internet history.. so give it to me again please dear!

Fifth, speaking of internet.. it's still messed. It still logs me out of msn every 10 min and i'm sure it's driving everyone insane and i wouldn't be surprised if they all attacked me with knives. However, Chad did get rid of like.. a zillion billion viruses that had accumulated on my comp, so thats good.

Sixth, this BSEN project is driving me up the wall! i stayed at school with Lisa until 6:00 just finishing the body of the damn writeup, and we still have lots to do. Plus it doesn't help that i'm such a perfectionist, i have to do everything my way and that means that i have to have the final word on everything.. so that leaves me with a ton of work to do before this project is handed in on thursday. EEK

Seventh, i'm getting sick of this numbering thing but i started it so i'm going to finish it. My dad said he wouldn't turn the christmas lights on until december, even though he has them up. WELL GUESS WHAT! it's December now!! yay :) Only 20 more days til i'm all alone for christmas break! :)

Eighth, i took a picture of Katrina and Ryan on the train. We always ride the train home together after econ, so i figured i'd let you all in on the fun we have. WOOT! It's just like train48 (i think thats the right number), cept we don't have a themesong (na na na na na na TRAAAIN, how obnoxious).

Ninth, i figured out my schedule for next semester finally. I go to school every day at 11:00 and i'm done by 3 every day except wednesday when i'm done at 2! Also i'm thinking of taking English 231 (introduction to fiction) online, cause thats one of the only courses u can take online through UofC. Why not, eh?

BED TIME!!!! Gotta get up early tomorrow to go to school and work on our project. EWW
