Colleen Says...

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Friday, December 10, 2004

What's wrong..

with boys these days? I had a superfun tonight with friends at The Den and then at Cowboys, yet somehow the fun is dampened by a looming thought.. Boys NEVER call back! I met a really cute guy and everything was great yet i just KNOW that he won't call, cause they just never do. Is this a problem that only happens to ME, or are males everywhere just dropping the ball?

I mean sure, nobody expects some random bar guy to be prince charming and to call the next day and take you out (even though for SOME REASON he just HAD to get your number), BUT if its someone from school that you met through someone else and they seem really decent and nice and promise PROFUSELY to call you the next day .. i mean WHAT THE HELL. If you don't want to call me, don't call me... i'm not going to break down and die, but don't TELL me you're going to call and get my number if you really have no intentions of calling! That does nothing but get a girls hopes up and then crush them all within one measly little week of anxious uncertainty.

So, i guess this is just my personal plea to all the boys out there ... DONT be that guy! That guy sucks and everyone hates him. And maybe i would just like an answer... have i been meeting all the wrong guys?.. am i looking in all the wrong places?.. is it too much to ask for a freaking honest answer to the 'are you really going to call me' question? .. what IS UP!?!

:) other than that i had a great night, thanx to Ryan for his superior sober driving skills :)

PS: the "Coal"gary Flames did great on our presentation
PPS: first semester is officially over, now to just survive exams and then i'll be GOLDEN!


  • At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Guys are pricks.


  • At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    that sux


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