Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Monday, November 29, 2004

She's done!

Finally! My luscious pink scarfy is FINISHED! You saw her in the previous post while i was knitting her at our Summerstock readthrough, and i pretty much finished her right there. She's kinda on the short side but you know what, i like her that way. You know u always end up with too much scarf and u don't know what to do with it, well she's different. SOOO pink and SOO fuzzy!! I have to admit.. originally i was making her as a gift but i like her WAAAY too much, i'm keeping 'er! But never fear cause i bet i'll be making more just like her, maybe different colors, to give away.. cause she was fun to knit.

Alright well i had a super weekend, other than today when i really didn't even leave the house. I finished editing my group project and did a bunch of stats homework, but that was about it. but you don't care about that so i'll u the juicy stuff. So yeah friday night we went to Tantra.. Ryan, Sandy, Ryan's sister and I. It was pretty cool, there was a Haskayne thing going on so i kept running into tons of business students. Ran into a guy from junior high, Andrew, boy how people change! Ryan spent all his time chasing Sandy and spending all his money on the both of us (hey i'm not going to complain), and i danced with some fun people.. and some not so fun business dorks! hah.. i wish i had taken my camera cause everyone was really dressed up (including Ryan and I) and we all looked pretty good i must say!

There look she likes my pink hat just as much as the other scarf.

Haha look at me trying to make her look longer.. alas i'm going to have to accept her the way she is.

Then yesterday i worked for the first time in a MONTH! i mean it.. since before my birthday. Hah it was fun, nice little 4 and a half hour shift, man i work hard. Then after Ryan came over and we ate pizza that i brought home from work (my own special recipe, i call it the Colleen express.. coincidentally the same name as my own personal train.. have i told this story already? :p). Then we got ice cream and Robyn came over and we all watched Shrek 2. Cept i forget most of the movie cause we talked through the whole thing, and apparently i missed the best part cause we stopped watching when the credits came on. Whats with all this stuff after the credits.. what happened to the good old days when the movie was over when the movie was over?! Anyhow Ry-face was sure that i couldn't polish off the entire tub of Haagen Dazs in one sitting.. i sure proved HIM wrong! So he knows i can eat a ton of ice cream.. now he just thinks i'm going to become morbidly obese and will never get a boyfriend :p

Hmm i'm going to try and get a picture of us in class tomorrow so you guys can put a face with the name when i keep talking about people you don't know. GOD DAMN this yellow sweater is so itchy, i'm trying to wear it around the house to break it in and get used to it.. but really this just sucks, its so cute and fuzzy and HELL to wear. I think it's going back, which means i think i'm going to scrap that cabled toque i was going to make. Meh, gives me more time to work on christmas/hannuka presents.. any requests??


PS: i promise if you click on the pictures u can see them BIGGER


  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, Colleen!

    I love the scarf. And Shrek 2. And Haggan Daz. You have good taste.

    Paula (who isn't really a stalker, she just likes to comment!)

  • At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear MuffinCake
    Watching Shrek was fun and i was impressed that you ate a whole tub of ice cream (except for the 5 spoons that I ate). Also I did not spend my whole night chasing Sandy sometimes i looked for you and you were always dancing with Mr. Crazy Dancer, so you were easy to find. We all looked good didn't we. You spelt Chanukah wrong but I will forgive you cause I said you would get morbidly obese and never have a boyfriend.


  • At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is the cutest pink combo ever! :)

    Great job...


  • At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The pink scarf looks good... I thought u said it was boring compared to making touqes (however u spell it).. and very valid point about scarfs always being to long... Was ammused at how you call your cloths that you make she's...


  • At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Colleen!, been looking for the latest info on morbidly obese and found She's done!. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.

  • At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there Colleen!, I had been out looking for some new information on morbidly obese when I found your site and She's done!. Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.


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