Colleen Says...

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Thursday, December 02, 2004


i'm working on 2 secret projects right now, i wish i could show you the works in process, i keep itching to take pictures and post them cause this yarn i'm working with is SO yummy, but i can't! i'm sure at some point the people that these surprises are being made for will stumble upon this post and then what kind of surprise would that be! I guess we'll all just have to wait for christmas so i can post them on their proud new owners.

In other news, tonight i went tap shoe shopping. Not so successful. A lady is coming over tomorrow morning b4 i go to school to show me these shoes she has but they might be too big, i'm worried. If all else fails i'll just get taps put on my character shoes, but i really wanted to have tappers for tomorrow's rehearsal. I guess i could wear my old oxford taps but they're pretttty small on me.

So, me and Rielle decided that today didn't exist. Thursday.. GONNNNE! We were talking on Wednesday about how we just wanted rehearsal to come so we could dance and laugh and sing and have fun and be happy together and thursday was just IN THE FREAKING WAY.. so we got rid of it. I still had to go to school and hand in my BSEN project and all, because it would just take me too long to explain to my prof and my group that i decided Thursday didn't exist. I took one for the team there. But i did skip anthro so that made up for it!! Then i came home, shopped for those tap shoes, and then watched The OC, The Apprentice, and 2 episodes of MTV duets. WHATS WRONG WITH ME. Honestly when i get my degree i think i should just go work in television cause its already consuming my entire life.

Right so anyhow i watched TV and oh i was interrupted in the middle of the OC when Rory called from Florida, so i missed about 15 min of it, but thats alright i rarely hear from him so it was nice. HOW much would i like to be in Florida right now. BOO. So i realllllly didn't study any math which was my main goal for tonight seeing as i have my last quiz ever in math tomorrow. BAH and i'm going to do terrible on it now, what a great way to end the year. I guess i still can make up for it on the final but i REALLY don't see that happening seeing as its my first final which means least time to study and just overall unhappiness.

Alright well MAYBE i'll go study for a bit now


PS: i bought new dance pants.. and a matching zip up sweater... they are black and pink, go figure!


  • At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think I know what your making.. hee hee.. I will keep it secret... And really.. I do need to finish that story.. You reminded me yesterday about it but then somehow the conversation got sidetracked before I could even tell my story



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