Colleen Says...

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Saturday, December 18, 2004

christmas comes early this year!


Alright well since my parents are going to be on vacation for christmas, we had our christmas celebration early. I got a new discman.. woot! and some money to buy more yarn (my parents know how obsessed i am with knitting/crochet), and some more money to buy whatever i REALLY want for christmas, which will probably be clothes :) I got my brother a toaster and you would NOT believe how happy he was. He was like MANNN NOW I CAN MAKE TOAST!! wow.. simple pleasures. And now here's all of us in all our santa hat glory.

Okay well here's the fun part. not only did christmas come early for my family, but it came early in my summerstock family too.. we had our christmas party tonight! WHAT FUN!! Here are a zillion million pictures which took me a bajillion years to upload, so browse through.. click on each one to make it big enough to actually see :)

Here's the mittens i made for Secret Santa, and there's Janine, the proud recipient donning her new apparel. MAN it took me all night to crochet these mittens but it was so worth it. Mittens on a string.. what a wonderful thing!!

Matt with a monkey around his neck and Colleen on a chair on a table, what more can i say?

OH i taught Matt how to knit today, i am SO PROUD!! He knit all night.. all the way through dinner, all the way through cleanup, and probably all the way home while he was driving :p By the end of the night he really had the hang of it, hopefully he has the stamina to finish his red and white striped scarf.

K the pic on the left is so cute but .. umm.. is that mistletoe i see on the right?? ACK

Ooooh look at the bag i got for secret santa. Any of you who know the bag story.. please don't say anything anymore! it's over!! the bag is too cute.. look it's bullwinkle.. or maybe just another very attractive moose.

From the left... Janine, Paula, and I.

Alright well after the x-mas party some of us went to Zack's for a little shindig. Some people played poker, i try to stay away from gambling on a game i'm terrible at, so we watched the OC dvds from season 1, and chatted. It was superfun, i'm so glad we finally had a little summerstock party :) Thanx Zack.

2 of my favorite people EVER!! but they made me take this picture 5 times just to get a good one of them. oh dear, what primadonnas!

AWWWW could you BE any CUTER? Oh and here's CJ with the poster she stole from the school. HAHA look she's making the face of the baby in the poster! GENIUS I SAY!!

Alright i promise that's it!! Feel free to download these pics if you're in any of them. I love you guys thanx for a great night!!



  • At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hahaha, I like how I look like a total retard in the background of the pic with Janine. I also look a tad slow in the one of us three, but its all good! Pictures are fun, I like them and I'm stealing them all for my photo album, because my camera totally doesnt work, and I need pictures, so I steal all of yours.

    Love youuuuuu,


  • At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Liam, thats "one way, or another, Im gonna getchya getchya getchya one way, or another etc etc etc"...


    *laughs @ the poster picture* I was so watching that being taken, and yet somehow I'm not in there... oh well, I'm sure there will be a time for that heh...

    *mutters* I was wondering what in blue's name you were all doing with that poster.... :P


  • At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It looks like you had some fun times with everyone! I love the mittens- very festive!

    How come you don't smile in the pictures? hehe Maybe it is genetic- no one in your family is smiling in the Santa hat picture either!

    Jess :)



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