Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tonsils, open mics, and other great stuff

Alright well tomorrow is d-day. I guess i should say.. in 7 hours, since i have to be at the hospital at 6 freaking 30 am!!! whaaaat. that is just not cool. maybe i should go to bed in my clothes and just get my mom to carry me to the hospital in the morning. good plan colleen, good plan

Anyways yes, i'm getting my tonsils out.. a tonsillectomy if you will. Now you might think this is a rather harmless procedure and plenty of people get it done, but that is usually CHILDREN and apparently as an adult (which, as much as you wouldn't believe it, i AM) it really really hurts. I'm supposed to stay at home for a week and completely rest, meanwhile probably lose 10 pounds from not being able to eat anything. BUT

My grampa died yesterday. I will refer you to this post if you don't know what was going on with my grampa. Anyhow so we're going up to Hanna, Alberta on Sunday for the funeral on Monday. I hope I'm well enough to go, i would really hate to miss it. But i doubt i'll be in any shape to visit with relatives, which is really a shame. Anyhow, i'm really going to miss my grampa. He was such a strong person and always had a smile on his face for his grandchildren. He told stories of the old west like nobody else could, and put gravy on his cake and didn't care what anyone else thought about it. I love him so much, and i love my gramma and i hope that will all of her family around her in the next week she'll be able to come through this okay.

There's my gramps at christmas time with my brother. Man he is so cool with his sunglasses on.

Anyhow so yeah, that is my week up ahead. I plan on thoroughly documenting my tonsil extravaganza, although i won't be able to get any pics of the actual surgery, i will try and get my mom to snap as many as she can afterwards. I bought tons of yummy things to eat next week, but i've read some scary websites that say i won't want to eat anything for DAYS afterwards. Man, now i can see why they say i'll lose 10 pounds.

Okay ! its about time for something fun!!
Yesterday (tuesday) David and I worked up a little set to play at open mic. at the Den. We got video of it and as soon as i find away to post that video you can be sure i will. In the meantime i'll show you a couple pictures and you can just imagine us singing, hehe:

Alright well thats about all that's new for now. Ooh i got a second interview for Enterprise Rent-a-car for the position of co-op student management trainee. That could be good. Who knows. All i know is it's better than working in a restaurant all summer again, and plus if i do a co-op job then i can stay living in rez cause i'm considered a full time student.

Right well wish me luck as i am about get to get my tonsils cut and cauterized out of me.
I sooo wish i could get a picture of that for you. :)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

i've come to the realization

.. i have so many things to be excited about. I have school to work on, friends to be with, music to make, things to knit, food to cook! One thing i don't have is any energy to put towards any negative thoughts and i certainly do not plan on expending any of my energy on any negative people.

I think i've done a pretty good job of surrounding myself with great people. For example, you who are reading this.. probably a friend, a great friend.. what are you excited about right now? Let me know, i'd love to hear it.

What am i excited about right now? midterms are over! that is great. Oh and i'm getting my tonsils out on thursday. Okay, now you probably don't think that's very exciting but for me it is. I've been living with huge enflamed tonsils for a bit over 2 years now. It is terrible. And YES, this is how long it really takes to get an appointment. Even longer if you don't settle for the scary chinese doctor who sticks things up your nose without warning. Anyways the point is, i'm excited, its going to hurt a lot but once it's all better then i won't have to deal with getting sick all the time and having a constant horribly sore throat. Plus i told my dad he had better stock-pile some jello and pudding for me.. ooh i should add popsicles to that list for SURE!

I'm also excited because i'm going to the Metric concert in April here at Mac Hall! I haven't been to a concert since i saw Bryan Adams in gr 12 so really, i can't WAIT! Metric is awesome and i'll probably have no voice the next day cause i'll lose it from singing so loud to every one of their songs. Especially "Poster of a Girl" cause its partly in french and i mean come on.. so bilingually talented this band is! Hehe.

Mmm, excitement. I'm excited that unless something goes terribly wrong, Steph, Jenn and I should be living together in an apartment in rez next year. THAT is so exciting! Only thing that would make it better is if Carina could stay in Canada and live with us, aww, i'm going to miss my little German roommate. Anyhow yes, roomies next yr! I cant wait to make trips to ikea just to find sweet new things to decorate with, and trips to the grocery store to pack our freezer so full that it won't close, and parties and potlucks and movie nights! It'll be really nice having friends coming into next year after having to fend for myself at school 2 years in a row.

Speaking of Steph, here she is in the flesh-- well she WAS there in the flesh but to bring it to the screen i had to capture the moment with the digital cam. and well, you know the drill.

On the left: Steph and Mitch and 'their baby', very realistic, cute family (disclaimer: baby not actually theirs).
On the right: here we are at the Roadhouse after Mitch's giant party finally died down (disclaimer: party was not actually giant at all). Mitch said he was pretending to kiss me in that picture but it looks to me more like he's trying to spit in my hair.. not nice mitch.

Hmm so that was last night. What else have i been up to lately other than the proceedings of hellweek (for those of you who don't understand hellweek to its fullest extent: 3 midterms, 1 paper and 1 presentation, all within 4 days, uh huh).. well:

1) i had to get my dad to take my guitar in to get fixed cause one string was rattling all the time, so i've been completely devastated not being able to play at all for the past week, and apparently i'm not getting it back now till next weekend!

2) I came out of the closet. Photographic evidence here:

(Disclaimer: was only in closet for food-fetching purposes, coming out of the closet was purely to avoid suffocating and is not in any way affiliated with any confessions of secret emotions)

Went to the roadhouse last weekend as well. However that was only due to Stephanie's whimsical following of cute boys so i shall not take any blame for the roadhouse overload this month, okay? Plus Anna and Ever were there so really was there any other way to go?

4) We had a bit of a fiasco with frozen vegetables in a plastic bag. I was cooking something on one burner and karen had seen me using it, so i didn't think anything of it when i took my pot off the burner. However.. it didn't really register with her that the burner was hot and she put her giant club sized bag of veggies on the burner and when she went to lift it up.. ALL OVER THE FLOOR went the little peas and carrots and beans. Oh it was hilarious.. and cold on the feet.

Alright that's all for me this week :)
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend


Monday, March 06, 2006

poetry in motion

An Afternoon in the Life of a Girl With Too Much Time on Her Hands
by Colleen Dauncey

The zeros on my inbox page taunt me
0 new messages
0 messages from your contacts
0 junk mail messages

an hour later - zero
two hours later - zero
three hours later - zero
zero, you get the point

then I remember I'm a girl
a girl who likes boys.
boys aren't like girls at all
boys don't check their e-mail every hour

I wish they would

so I wouldn't have to wait and check
the zeros taunting me
every step of the way

Oh man i have been up way too long writing a paper for my communications studies class. It's going to be a good one though, it's on the song "Nothing Better" by The Postal Service and the reason it's taking me so long is that i have SO much to say about it. We're supposed to pick one aspect of the text and analyze it for this paper but it's so hard to narrow it down to one. I start talking about the audience of the text and move to talking about the credibility of the band and end up talking about Jen Wood and how she came to sing Ben Gibbard's lyrics. It is now 5:44am. I have been working on this since 5:00pm yesterday, and i'm still not bored. Not at all. This is why it's nice to be able to pick your own topic for a paper :)

Still not going to bed,
must prepare my presentation.
But i will say goodnight to you..