Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Monday, September 26, 2005

S. R. T...PEE?

As i sat here with my diet coke from McDonalds all ready to blog, i realized that i had nothing in particular to blog about. That is where the Scattered Random Thoughts come in. Plus these posts seem to be somewhat popular with the masses (masses being mainly Lisa, Akiva, Alex... whoever else reads this and doesn't comment), so i thought why not give it another go.

SRT #1) Sometimes i wish i had a bigger stomach. Danielle and I went to McDonalds tonight for dinner, and i REALLY wanted one of those Rolo Milkshakes (considering they only have them for a short while each year.. and it brings back memories of McDonalds on spare with Lindsay, Pam, Laura, Rudy and the rest of the gang). However, i couldn't bear the thought of not getting diet coke to go with my chicken mcnugget meal, so i decided i would have the milkshake for dessert. Well what do you know, after 1 pop and medium fries and 6 measly nuggets.. i was PLUMB FULL. Goddammit! Some may see it as a blessing but i feel CURSED!! (okay i'm overreacting a little, and it's probably good that i didn't have that whole meal and a milkshake but i'm allowed to indulge every once in a while)

Since when did it become cool again to wear hot pink sweatbands out in public to play bball?? Cause PRAISE THE LORD that's my favorite trend from the 80s. Well not just the sweatbands either but the NEON oh baby the neon. Anyhow that's John about 10 min ago in his gear ready to go ballin'. Crazy kids, what will they roll out with next?

3) I really have got to start knitting again. I definitely miss it, but there always seems to be something more interesting to do around here. On second thought that's not true i spend way too much time watching tv. Alright new prerogative - more knit less sit (ting in front of the tv.. but that ruins the rhyme). Any ideas on what i should knit next??

4) So today my french class got moved into a different room... this room is seriously the size of a janitorial closet. I spose it was inevitable cause there are NINE people in my entire french class, so now we all sit around this huge conference table in comfy chairs and our prof sits at the head of the table. It's really quite hilarious. Today she made us sing this song in french. It wasn't even a cutesy little tune to learn words or anything.. it sounded like a french pop song from perhaps the 80s. Très embarrassant.

5) I miss MattE. He just disappeared off the face of the planet. I should have expected that since he did the same thing last year when he went to Ryerson for the first time, and i don't blame him too much cause i know he's busy with his new place and his 2nd year and all (as am i), but i guess i just thought it might be different because we had such a fun summer. We really revived our friendship this summer - working together all the time and then going to Summerstock rehearsals and being together some more and then hanging out with Lisa and being together EVEN MORE... and now we're just completely separate again. Sad. Gah sometimes i hate how much things change.

Best way to cheer up a roommate who's pissed off about stupid boys??

COCKTAILS!! hooray for my giant bottle of peach schnapps and the martini glasses Robyn gave me for my b-day last yr. Oh Karen and her boys.. okay you could probably say that about any one of us here in # 425.

7) Akiva remembered what SRT stands for without even looking at my blog! So proud am i. I have coined a new term!! Alright well maybe it's not going to catch on anytime soon but you just wait.. youuuu jusssst WAIT!

8) I just looked out my window to watch Carina, Ben, Frank, Thomas and John playing bball and was VERY surprised.. it is SO windy outside that it looks like it's snowing leaves!! There are yellow leaves ALL over campus. Insane. It's kind of beautiful in a crazy way. Much better than actual snow at least.

We hung some christmas lights i brought home from my grandparents house this weekend. Our living room is SO boring, so this is the first step in spicing it up a bit. Hopefully it's not too long until the poster sale cause that'd be a good way to decorate. (For those of you who don't know, they have this big "Imaginus" poster sale in Mac Hall for a week where u can get some awesome posters). Anyone else have ideas for decorating??

10) I'm feeling better today. My throat barely hurts at all, but my jaw is still ridiculously jammed. What is WITH that. I look retarded when i try and eat anything wider than a chicken nugget.. like a sandwich.. that just DOESNT work, i have to rip it into little pieces and put it in my mouth. SO sad.

11) I don't know what to do about my job. I don't need one, but i do want to work at Market Mall when that moxie's opens up. For now they're just not going to schedule me until i tell them to cause really.. i have way too much work to do right now with school and all.,

12) AKIVA GOT A NEW FRIEND!! First the grocery store and now THIS:
Meet Herbert.. Akiva's eyebrow barbell!! YAAAY. I am such a fan of piercings and i'm a fan of Akiva .. put the 2 together and well.. you deserve a picture on my Blog!! How hardcore badass does he look now? Especially with the black hat. Oh Akiva my little oxjewhardass.
No but seriously, I think it suits him SO well and as soon as he told me he wanted a piercing i was all for the eyebrow so i'm glad that is what he picked. Love it.

13) My birthday is in a month and 2 days!! The the glorious part of the year when i catch up to the rest of the people in my "grade" (not like we have those anymore) and don't seem so young anymore. Yeah sure i still LOOK like i'm 12, but that's not what the documents say!!

14) Lisa is making me very jealous with her photo-ipod ownership. Now I'm trying to think of good birthday presents.. i was thinking a TV and DVD player for my room.. but really my computer is just fine for watching DVDs on and i don't really NEED to watch mindless TV in my room when we have a TV in the living room. Any ideas?? Help a woman out here.

15) Okay so the other day Heather and I wanted to go do Karaoke but since i live in the NW now we had to find a new place to go to. We looked it up on the internet and found out that the Point and Feather in Ranchlands has karaoke on Sat. nights so off we went. Much to our dismay we got there, ordered our MINI PITCHERS of drinks, and realized it wasn't karaoke so much as.. name that TUNE. WELLL .. did we wuss out? did we sulk away? did we give up and go home?? NO!! we were really late so we joined teams with these 2 girls who had been there since the start and had a decent amount of points.. and ended up WINNING THE WHOLE GODDAMN THING!! Yeaaaah we did. You shoulda seen me grab the mike and scream "WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO BY WHAM!!!" .. ooh and us dancing to "hey ya" with the middle agers at the table next to us - classic. Just goes to show that Heather and I can make the best of any situation and have fun no matter what. We won a 25$ bar tab but we were leaving anyways so we just left it with the other 2 girls. I only got one pic cause i didn't take my cam. to the bar, i got Karen to take this before we left cause Heather looked so goddamn hot. She got a cute new coat too which i am jealous of cause i can't find my winter coat.. but it's not in this pic:

BAh! She's still so nice and tanned. You can hold all your jokes about my ghostliness.. i know i'm white and i'm okay with it. I've really heard enough about it in the past few months (especially from my managers at moxies.. gah). If you were really my friend you would rather me be white than sit in a cancer box and slowly kill myself to fit society's picture of 'beautiful'. If we lived in Cleopatra's day and age we would all be painting our skin to make it whiter so maybe i was just born in the wrong century.

Alright thats just about the right amount of rambling for one night, my typing muscles are starting to hurt.

Love you all,

Monday, September 19, 2005


My camera works! Oh glorious day it works. I don't know how and i don't know why it wouldn't before.. but i didn't get it fixed and i went to pick it up from the stupid people who were going to charge me way too much.. and it just WORKED. It's a little screwy every now and then and i still haven't figured out if it knows how to zoom properly anymore but I DON'T CARE . my baby works and i'm no longer camera-less. WHICH IS WHY i am now able to present to you my 4th roommate!! I just snapped this picture tonight before blogging cause i knew you were all in suspense:

Everyone meet Danielle (on the right) and re-meet Carina (left). Danielle is from Camrose, so not too far at all (anyone remember going to band camp in Camrose?? well I sure do and it was buckets of fun). Anyhow Danielle is the lovely provider of our tv and vcr and a great deal of our dishes and pots and pans. Wonderful. So now you've met everyone. But Karen just got a brand new laptop and is acting like a kid on christmas right now so i just might go snap another shot of her and post it before i'm even done writing this post!!

Alright so Monday nights are wing night at Kilkenny which is a 20 min walk from our place. Since i missed last monday because of work, i was definitely in tonight. Here's the crew and all of our many many wings:

From Left: Me, Matt, Brandi, Sophie (on x-change from France), John, John, Lindsay, Sheldon, Ben, and Sammie (x-change from Britain)

There are 2 Johns cause we were at 2 consecutive tables in a circle and i was taking a pic of each half of the circle so he happened to be in both.. cause i know you were wondering what kind of parents name their twin boys both John.

Mmm, honey garlic. Too bad my jaw has been locked and only opens halfway all day so i had to tear apart all the wings with my hands and then shove tiny pieces into my half-open mouth. BOO. Still they were tasty and i will do that again any time.

Alright here's a couple more pics from our apartment that i just took:

Karen & her room & her new laptop!!

Alright now there is absolutely no doubt that Karen has the most stuff i've ever seen anyone our age own ever EVER ever. She has 4 bottles of every kind of lotion/perfume/hair stuff and she has candles and pictures and clothes and blankets and FOOD so much canned food. Anyhow, i'm not criticizing cause i'm not the neatest person myself.. but just take a look at our bathroom and our storage room.. KEEP IN MIND: this is only mine and Karen's, the other 2 girls have their own bathroom and storage room which are pretty much completely empty. Yeah.

Alright on the left you have our bathroom, and if you go back in the archives you'll see a picture i posted of the bathroom when i came to look at the apartment a few months ago. It now looks as though an entire village landed on our counter. LOVE IT! Finally nobody to yell at me about having all my stuff on the counter, the left half is mine and the right half is Karen's stuff. Beautiful i say. -- NOW, take a close look at all the stuff in the storage room - about 1/3 of Karen's packaged and canned goods (the rest of which are in the kitchen cupboards) and ALL of those laundry detergents are HERS. not a one belongs to me. How many different detergents does one little girl really need?? I dare you to count them all and leave me the # in my comments!!

Alright well i should head to bed as class starts WAY too early every day.
Love you all & miss you too!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Alright, so the girl in the middle is Karen who is an International Relations major, and on the right is Carina - a German exchange engineering student. The last roommate is Danielle, a Sociology student, but i don't have any pictures of her yet because YES i am still borrowing pictures from everyone and these happen to be ones Carina took last night.

So, best part about having a German exchange student roommate?... hanging out with her and her german exchange student friends!! Man these kids know how to drink, although according to them "It is so expensive to get drunk here in Canada". I will now introduce you to the 3 guys that came here on the same program as Carina who are also all in engineering and come from the same university as Carina:

This is Frank. Frank is a passionate capricorn who studies civil engineering, likes pink slippers and walks outdoors in spandex shorts. Alright i made the capricorn part up and the slippers are mine, but the rest is true. Plus he makes a mean spaghetti with tomato sauce.. even if it is out of a jar.

Next we have Thomas (with the emphasis on the last syllable mind you). He frequently drinks TNT (as you can see if you enlarge the pictures) because it's cheap beer with 6% alcohol, and according to the germans "it is so expensive to get drunk here".

And last but not least we have Fabian who, when this picture was taken, was fascinated with my hair straightener. Apparently they aren't too mainstream in Germany, he'd never seen one before. Anyhow, Fabian is the mastermind behind the best quote of the week: "I just made wee wee into my trousers." In his defence we were talking about the fact that you can say "pissed" to mean drunk or to mean peeing. Well either way, he's crazy and has a very loud high pitched laugh and feels like a criminal in this country when he goes for a cigarette.. which is at least 10 times a day.

So there you have it.. the german crew. Carina has them over all the time and they make dinner together pretty much every day. Ooh and they taught me how to swear in german.. but i wouldn't be able to spell what they taught me for the life of me. In english it's "shut up you asshole", so that should prove to be very useful.

Alright i better go do some dishes, we're actually doing a good job of keeping our living area decent but my bedroom is already a mess-ola. Surprise surprise.

Love you all!

Welcome Home!!

Alright i'm all moved in. ALLLL moooooved IN!!
Now since my camera is wrecked, i'm just going to be borrowing pictures from everyone to show you all what things are like. These first one's are from Lisa when she came over on my FIRST DAY here (Saturday):

Alright here we have my bedroom (note the picture frames that match the bedspread!! me and my mom found them and they weren't even made to match the comforter). And on the right is our kitchen, how quaint.. lets just hope it stays that clean forever.

So, being the gourmet chef that i am, i fired up the microwave (after some help from Lisa - give me a break, the microwave we had at my house had 1 knob and you turned it and then pressed start, how am i to know what all these crazy buttons mean) and made some delicious 3 cheese spaghetti from a bag, which started out a little rough but ended up delicious!! I didn't have a lot of dishware and didn't want to wash it after, so Lisa and I ate out of.. well.. here i'll show you:

But don't listen to what Lisa says, i don't have the bigger dish because i'm selfish... she told me she had just eaten!! She said she wasn't hungry!! Ohh whatever, i give up, im just a selfish spaghetti eating biatch.

Alright, my computer for some reason won't work so i will post pictures of my roommates and new friends as soon as it does!!

Love you all,

Friday, September 09, 2005

Summer is officially over

Well maybe not according to the weather man, but for all intents and purposes.. my summer is over. Today was my last day of full-time type work, i'm taking 9 days off to get settled in to my new place and my new schedule, and then only working 2 days a week. So really, that along with the massive amounts of packing i've been doing are sort of my signal that summer is drawing to an end.

I don't know if i ever posted this before, but here are a couple pics we took at the very beginning of the summer when Matt, Lindsay and Laura came home and we all got together:

Hehe i love how it turns from nice picture into demonic crazies.. except that laura just looks tired in both of them.

Man so here's an update on the camera situation, cause i know you're all wondering how the heck i'm going to survive my first week of res without my freaking CAMERA. I took the damn thing in to the place to show them that it was broken and hopefully get it fixed, and they took it and told me that they'd check to see if the work is on warrantee or not and if it isn't then i'll have to pay them to fix it. If i don't want them to fix it (it could be more expensive to fix than to just get a new one) then i have to pay them $16.00 just to give the damn thing back to me. GAH. So i'm leaving the camera fixy place and am walking down the street and realize that i've gone too far and haven't come across my car yet. I walk back down the street and up it once more, before i find the meter where i parked my car and look at the sign and realize i had parked in a goddamned loading zone. That stupid sign was so confusing, i read that i could park there at that hour, but what i hadn't read was that i couldn't STOP there at that time. SOOOOOOO.. i then had to wait downtown for 45 min by myself so my mom could come pick me up. I was on the phone with Lisa, when some guy came up a flight of stairs right behind me and kindly told me that i was standing right in front of a gay bar. Interesting. Well, the story ends sadly - i had to pay $104.00 to get my car back, so dammit it just wasn't a good day at all. I spose the moral of the story is that i won't have a camera to take pics of all of our crazy boozing and the place and everything, which makes me sad. Maybe my mom can bring her digital cam when i move in and take a few pics for me to post.. or maybe someone ELSE will have a cam that i can steal pictures from!!

EVERYONE PRAY FOR ME THAT I HAVE KICKASS RAD ROOMMATES.. do it.. now! EEeeeEEeEeEEEE!! i am SOOO excited, i have been waiting to move into res ever since my first day of university when i realized that everyone that lived in res was having way more fun than me and not having to ride on the train for 2 hrs a day.

AKIVA AKIVA.... i saw the commercial for Alex's episode of Much911 (to everyone that doesn't know, our friend Alex is going to be on Much911, he got to meet a bunch of kickass rad bands and they are putting it on tv!). The episode airs this monday.. as in 3 days from now. Annnnnd in the episode he's wearing that navy and white stripey shirt that he has been known to wear to summerstock. I feel like i almost know someone famous. Hahaha. oh my but he has gorgeous hair.

Alright that's it for me,
Love you all!!

PS: if everyone sends me 5$ in the mail maybe i can pay back my stupid ticket. good plan?

Monday, September 05, 2005

one letter words..

I found this napkin when i was packing my stuff ..
One night Robyn, Dionne, Matt E and I were out for dinner together. While waiting for the food we starting making up one letter words (everyone adds a letter until you make up a really long new word, and then everyone adds a word until you come up with a definition for that word). Anyhow the point is that i am about to throw out this napkin cause i have no use for it, but first i will post the 2 words we made up and their meanings so that we can remember them always! Plus i have some funny ones we made up in class in gr 12 that i'll post later if i come across them.

definition: Verb - The best thing a person ca ndo when harvesting a pickle

definition: Adjective - When you are really hungry and thirsty and you need some pee to drink

Alright i'm probably not done blogging for the night especially cause my camera is SORT of working for now, but for now i'm going to keep packing cause this is going to take me forever!!

5 days!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Stefanie's Last Hurrah!!

Alright!! Stefanie was the photographer for the evening so i DO have new pictures to show you!

*Attention*: The following is a story about some girls who did some things and found it somewhat interesting.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Stef who was leaving to go to Dalhousie University.
So, her friends strapped themselves into a car and they all went out for a night on the town. First they had to say some goodbyes to some friends at a local "taphouse". They said hi, gave out some hugs, and looked around for somewhere to sit. The girls quickly realized that they were outcasts and would never be welcome there, that and there were no seats left in the entire place, so they cut their losses, said goodbye, and left the building in pursuit of more entertaining and less crowded places.

Exhibit A: Strapped In -------- Exhibit B: Goodbye

Well, what the girls found was a completely different.. crowded place. However, this crowded place had a live band and a Sean (def: Sean (Noun) - a middle aged married man found in crowded bars who thinks that you are "cool" and wants to buy everyone drinks, but not in a creepy way) who bought us pizza from across the street, mmmm. The girls stayed a while longer in this place because even though it was crowded, the people there made room for them and let them into their circle of friendship.

Exhibit C: Sean ------- Exhibit D:Pizza Eating

All of a sudden their friend Heather showed up out of nowhere and reminded them of their mission to find an un-crowded place. Once again the girls said their goodbyes followed by their patented goodbye dance by the boys:

Exhibit E: Goodbye #2 --- Exhibit F: Patented Goodbye Dance

By that time, there were only the three strongest, most resilient girls left: Stef, Heather and Colleen. These brave few made the long trek back to Stef's side of town, but on the way stopped to hunt some wild Quarter Pounders with Cheese and Chicken McNuggets for nourishment. They ended up getting a free apple pie too, but one girl didn't get a smartie's bar and she was sad.. but that's beside the point. They took the fresh carcuses (aka takeout bags) back to Stef's where they watched, talked, and ultimately slept through "The Phantom of the Opera".

Exhibit G: Wild Quarter Pounder --- Exhibit H: Wild French Fries
At one point Colleen arose and promply informed Heather that there was a large bug on her hand. Heather waved her hands around and squirmed for a bit but never did see a bug. It was never determined whether a bug actually existed or whether Colleen was still dreaming at that point, but perhaps it is better that they never actually knew.

Well, many lightyears later, the clock struck 2:00am and Colleen realized she had to get up early to spend the entire day at work, so the night quickly drew to an end and they all said their goodbyes for the last time. Our story ends 20 minutes later when Colleen opens an email containing all of the pictures taken merely hours before by Stefanie. This night will go down in history as "Stefanie's Last Hurrah".

Exhibit I: Final Goodbye

And they all lived scrappily ever after.

~The End!~

Alright that's it for me,


PS: 9 days!!!!!!!!!!

PPS: .I bought pj pants that have little cartoon cows all over them and say "I LOVE MOO". To die for!