Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Done done done done done done!!!

About an hour ago i finished my last exam of my 2nd year of university! Business Law, egh. its over!! So excited. Even more so because now i have a job and i don't have to be stressed about ANYTHING AT ALL (except finishing moving out and cleaning the apartment and all, but thats only mild stress).

So this job.. for the next entire year i will be the (full time) Supplies Project Analyst co-op student for Marks Work Wearhouse's corporate office. YAAAY. It scares me that i'm taking a whole year off school to do this, but i guess in the co-op program i'd be doing it anyways, the program is a full 12 months no matter how you split it up. Most people do 2 different terms with different companies, but i guess mine will all be with Mark's, in a row. So i'll be going back to university next summer i guess, with summer courses. Sca-ry!

I'm going to be living at my parents for the summer, not only cause its cheaper but because it's closer to the job than Rez is (i could have stayed in rez over the summer). I have NO idea how this is going to be. I've been on my own for 8 months, its going to be so hard going back! I guess thats how everyone feels when they go away for university, but it just .. sucks. I'll have a car to use though so that will definitely be a plus. Then i don't know what i'm going to do when the fall comes, cause before i got this job i was supposed to live in rez in an apartment with Steph and Jenn. I still want to for sure, but i don't know how that will work with the car and driving to work in the winter. I want to take 1 night course per semester next yr though cause i just don't know what i'd do if i completely wasn't going to school, so maybe it'll all work out.

Okay.. so i guess when i said i had no stress left.. i lied. So. much. stress. BUT it's summer now (well technically spring but its summer for us university kids!) and i just need to have fun and get a damn tan!! So it was heather's bday last week. Holy crap everyone is starting to turn 20!! Here's a few pics that i got before i started to feel deathly ill and had to go home :) Hope you had a good bday heather! We'll all have to go out and get really trashed to celebrate your bday and the end of school!

We slow danced a bit, and then heather made a j-bone-reminiscent face. Classic.

Okay so now all i have to do is get the rest of my stuff from my room packed up and then i'll come back later on the weekend to clean the living room with Carina and get all my kitchen stuff. Awww its the end of an era. I'm going to miss Carina so much.

I'm definitely going to try and visit her when she's working on her thesis in toronto this summer, and then i'll have to go up to Germany to visit and maybe tour around France too. THAT would be a great trip! I'm going to miss all the Germannns!! And the Scots! Man, damn all the foreign people for being.. foreign.. and leaving :(

Alright thats it for me for now,

Go flames GO!!


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Exams, moving, and jobs

Three things that stress me out so much... and ALL happening at the same time! How luck am I. So yeah, i'm done 2 final exams now, which went okay (at least i think they did, so lets keep our fingers crossed). The next one i have is my french test tomorrow which wouldn't be bad at all except its mostly french history and i hate/am bad at history in general. But the worst will definitely be my business law test on thursday. I just don't want to even do that at all.

You know what doesn't stress me out? BSD! At the university on the last day of classes we have a 'Bermuda Shorts Day' party allll day and there are beer gardens at school and then (if you make it that far) you go out to various clubs at night. I actually made it to the club this year, which is a step up from last year when i almost fell asleep on the train on the way home from the university at like 7pm (see last year's BSD entry here . I'm not going to post a bunch of pictures because my whole album is up on facebook so you can see it here even if you're not already on facebook. But here's a few delightful pics to tickle your interest:

Mmm we went for the pancake breakfast for all the rez kids before hitting up the beer gardens!

On the left is one of the bands on the main stage, called the HorrorPops, who were pretty good but i must admit i wasn't paying a lot of attention considering i was on probably my 6th drink. However, if last year's Bedouin Soundclash BSD performance turned success story is any indication, perhaps we'll be hearing a lot from the HorrorPops in the future.

Oh and on the right there is proof that we actually made it to the club! YAAAAY. Too bad Andrew, me, and Steph all got the flu... in that order.. starting that night. But we're alive now, against all odds.

Right okay so the other night I went to go see Andrew's band Lions and Tigers and Bears play at the bar at SAIT. I'd heard some of their songs before, on their MySpace and on their website, and of course i've heard Andrew sing/play guitar before and he's amazing, but I have to say i was really impressed with the quality of their music live. Some bands are great on recordings and in real life you're like 'what.. on earth.. is this racket?!', but not LTB. Anyhow, i was impressed, as was Steph who came along w/her bf Jon to keep me company while Andrew was up on stage. I tried to take a few pics but the quality turned out pretty bad whether i had the flash on or not. Here's a couple though..

On the right is Andrew's cousin Cody, the band's drummer, being a tiger, and Andrew being the worst Lion i have ever seen. I'm so not intimidated.

What else is up? Well this week coming up i'll find out if i have a job for the summer. If i don't get one of the ones i've interviewed for for the co-op program, then i am thinking i might just take a full course load of classes in the spring and summer semesters, that way i'd be a semester ahead in school and could then do a co-op work term in the fall. If that's the case then i'll still live here in Rez for the summer, but i will have to move to a different building because my building isn't open in the summer for students (they use it for conference housing). However, if i do get one of these jobs then i will be moving home to my parents' house cause they're in the south and it just makes more sense. So either way there is moving in my future, and i have NO time to pack since i still have 2 exams left and i have to move out of this room by friday. BOOO. Oh well, i'm excited to see what the future has in store for me.

Ooh it was so nice out the other day, i got my mom to take a pic of my dad and I. He's wearing the UofC dad shirt to support me, and i am wearing the Lions and Tigers and Bears shirt to support Andrew... and cause i just like the shirt.. and cause i have nothing else red and it was a flames game day.. wait, i don't have to explain my clothing choices to you!!

Alright thats about enough blabbing on for me.
See you all in the summer, it starts for me in 4 days!


Sunday, April 09, 2006


This post is all about rockstars. Nothing else, just rockstars.
First of all, i went to see Metric in concert at Mac Hall last week. It was super. They had 2 opening bands who i had never heard of and didn't listen to as i spent the entire first 3 hours of the supposed 'show time' in the beer 'gardens' (there was NOTHING botanical about it, that is why i put it in quotations), oh and i didn't even drink beer in this 'garden' of 'beer'. I drank smirnoff ice, out of a can... well out of the can and into a plastic cup with ice. I'm not sure if you know, but i'm sort of obsessed with ice.. and straws.

RIGHT.. i went to a concert, and OF COURSE i got pictures! did you expect anything less of me? Here's the best ones of the show:

These are thanks to my awesome position atop the shoulders of a really tall guy. It worked out great until security got on my case and made me get down. What kind of concert spirit is that?!

And here's a few from before the show:

Exhibit A: Sam being a high fashion model
Exhibit B: Beer 'gardens', pfffft, is that concrete i see??

Alright so that's a fair bit of rockstar.. but not quite enough if you ask me. Therefore i present to you - Colleen and Andrew being rockstars:

Alright i'll admit to being a giant poser. I hadn't even ever played an electric guitar, much less am i in a band like Andrew. Sigh.... someday Colleen, someday. Oh and some of you sharp-minded folks might have realized that the 2nd picture is slightly crooked. Wine may or may not have been involved.

So that's all the rockstar-esque things that have happened to me this week, thus the end of this post!


Sunday, April 02, 2006

WARNING: Graphic Content (not for the squemish or easily startled)

Alright, i made it through the tonsillectomy and then my grampas funeral and then just didn't feel like writing for quite a while. So now i'm here, trying to make up for lost time.

I fully documented my stay in the hospital.. well.. without the actual surgery stuff cause i was kinda knocked out for that making picture taking impossible. Lets start with a nice graphic look at what my throat looked like before, w/huge tonsils.. followed by the after shot so you can see just how great it is now.

Okay so you can see some white stuff in my throat on the right but thats just my throat healing from the cauterizing and all. I took that pic about a week ago and i think that's pretty much all gone now. Lovely, i know.

Alright well that was the end of the graphic pictures, now i'll show you what i did pre-surgery while waiting around for hours and post-surgery in my hospital bed : KNIT!

Yeah. check the awesome blue gown. I so wish i could have kept that. But okay, all knitting aside.. it was really the most painful thing i have ever experienced, the week after was HELL. I was extremely hungry & thirsty, anything and everything hurt my throat, plus i had the funeral to go to.. and get this, on my list of things not to do after sugery: do not CRY. umm right. i broke that one. Anyhow here's a pic of me right after waking up from the anesthetic, and then my hand after they took that horrid IV out. I had that bruise for weeks. Gah.

Alright well thats that.
It was painfull as all hell, for too damn long. But i'm great now and the only side affect is sometimes when i drink too fast it comes out my nose. I sure hope that doesn't last or it'd be the end of my beer bonging days (wait, when were those?).

Oh and i think i'm out of my blogging slump now so i'll probably be posting lots more soon. And my knitting is getting pretty big. I'll take a pic soon.
