Colleen Says...

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Done done done done done done!!!

About an hour ago i finished my last exam of my 2nd year of university! Business Law, egh. its over!! So excited. Even more so because now i have a job and i don't have to be stressed about ANYTHING AT ALL (except finishing moving out and cleaning the apartment and all, but thats only mild stress).

So this job.. for the next entire year i will be the (full time) Supplies Project Analyst co-op student for Marks Work Wearhouse's corporate office. YAAAY. It scares me that i'm taking a whole year off school to do this, but i guess in the co-op program i'd be doing it anyways, the program is a full 12 months no matter how you split it up. Most people do 2 different terms with different companies, but i guess mine will all be with Mark's, in a row. So i'll be going back to university next summer i guess, with summer courses. Sca-ry!

I'm going to be living at my parents for the summer, not only cause its cheaper but because it's closer to the job than Rez is (i could have stayed in rez over the summer). I have NO idea how this is going to be. I've been on my own for 8 months, its going to be so hard going back! I guess thats how everyone feels when they go away for university, but it just .. sucks. I'll have a car to use though so that will definitely be a plus. Then i don't know what i'm going to do when the fall comes, cause before i got this job i was supposed to live in rez in an apartment with Steph and Jenn. I still want to for sure, but i don't know how that will work with the car and driving to work in the winter. I want to take 1 night course per semester next yr though cause i just don't know what i'd do if i completely wasn't going to school, so maybe it'll all work out.

Okay.. so i guess when i said i had no stress left.. i lied. So. much. stress. BUT it's summer now (well technically spring but its summer for us university kids!) and i just need to have fun and get a damn tan!! So it was heather's bday last week. Holy crap everyone is starting to turn 20!! Here's a few pics that i got before i started to feel deathly ill and had to go home :) Hope you had a good bday heather! We'll all have to go out and get really trashed to celebrate your bday and the end of school!

We slow danced a bit, and then heather made a j-bone-reminiscent face. Classic.

Okay so now all i have to do is get the rest of my stuff from my room packed up and then i'll come back later on the weekend to clean the living room with Carina and get all my kitchen stuff. Awww its the end of an era. I'm going to miss Carina so much.

I'm definitely going to try and visit her when she's working on her thesis in toronto this summer, and then i'll have to go up to Germany to visit and maybe tour around France too. THAT would be a great trip! I'm going to miss all the Germannns!! And the Scots! Man, damn all the foreign people for being.. foreign.. and leaving :(

Alright thats it for me for now,

Go flames GO!!



  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger The Collabos said…


    So I totally didn't know about your job being a full year! OR that Carina is gonna be here for the summer. If I end up staying here then you will HAVE to come visit.

    Congrats on both of us finishing school, and I am glad Heather's party was good. She certainly deserves it.


  • At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey. =] I just got your comment about the song lyrics! What you're looking for is Speed of Light by Britt Black. She used to be in LiveonRelease and has had an album out for about a year now.

  • At 9:28 PM, Blogger plouffmeister said…

    hey! long time no talk to!!!
    hope you come visit soon!


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