but everything is so wonderful. I am currently dancing to the poppiest songs EVER in my dorm room. Good thing nobody else is in the apartment right now, hehe. Yesterday i was cleaning my room and listening to michael jackson, which quickly turned into dancing to MJ and occasionally picking up something off the floor and putting it somewhere else. Finally i had to ask Akiva for some songs because i had used up all my good room cleaning songs while dancing.. so he told me to get the Pussycat Dolls song "Beep" which turned out to be GREAT and i danced that away too. Needless to say, as soon as i started talking great pop-dance songs with Akiva, the room stopped being cleaned. Oh well, some things are just more important than others!
Anyhow, the point is.. following that pop excitement, i started looking up more songs today and found this blog:
poptastic.blospot.com which is just a big list of a bunch of awesome poppy songs and links to download the songs right from the page. Man it was awesome. So thats what brings me to my present state of euphoria and i thought i had better blog now while i'm in a good mood.
So another topic of discussion today is school. Those of you who talk to me on somewhat of a regular basis know that i've been totally swamped with studying lately cause i have had a torrent of midterms and projects and tests lately. The situation was made worse when i got sick and had to miss a midterm, therefore deferring it to the only other date which was yesterday (saturday) right after my regularly scheduled accounting midterm. SO yesterday was the day i had been working up to for 2 weeks, and it went good. It went good yes it did. It was odd cause i thought i would do SO good at OPMA and i pretty much was worried i'd fail Accounting, but coming out of the exams i think i probably did just about the same at both. So.. maybe i won't fail accounting after all! YAY. This also contributes to my good mood.
Now, recently when i've been telling people about all this school stuff, the topic of University in general comes up. Now i know that UofC doesn't have the greatest reputation from the student satisfaction point of view. I think we're something like dead LAST on the students rating in the McLeans magazine. But i feel the need to explain to people that for me and all the rest of the BComm students it's different. The business faculty is named the Haskayne School of Business for Mr. Haskayne who donated a whole CRAPLOAD of money (something like 7 million i believe, i don't have the urge to check these facts however) to the faculty a few years ago. That being said.. we're probably the most funded faculty in the University ... go figure, the business grads from UofC end up making lots of money that they like to donate back to the school, and company's like sponsering stuff so that they get their names out to all the students that they hope will come work for them. Plus we have a great CO-OP program that links students to companies for work terms that give the students great experience in a real company plus real salaries and give the companies good labour for cheaper and in some cases future employees.
Alright so aside from all the financial stuff that makes Haskayne look pretty good compared to the rest of the UofC, there are also social aspects that make me happy. I was trying to explain this to my friends and to my parents and i don't know if they actually understand, so i'll try and explain it once more. Haskayne is not like the other faculties. First of all, at UofC 101, before the year even started in 1st year, you get arranged into your 'houses'. Yes, it's like harry potter, there are 4 houses in haskayne, 3 of them are named after sponsors and one isnt sponsored yet so it's called 'haskayne house'. We all got tee-shirts that corresponded with our houses. OK i'll admit, apart from that first day, we haven't really done anything house-related yet. But still.. what other faculty would DO that? None i say, none.. cept maybe engineering, they're as crazy as us. Here's a pic of us at uofc 101 in our house shirts - we had a scavenger hunt AND a BBQ that day, kickaSS.
So anyhow, that was us last year at the beginning of our first year of university. That year i met lots of great people like Ryan, Katrina, Nikki, Kendall, Chinese Ryan, Jackie, and many more. (Also i continued to hang out with friends i knew from before from highschool and summerstock and work and such, but thats another topic.) Anyhow, so i met all those people in my various classes, most of which had 200 or so people in them. I became really close with Ryan and Katrina and also hung out more with some highschool people that were in Haskayne too like Josh Chow, Reid Heskes, Mike Sandst, and the likes.
Now that i'm in second year, things are changing. We find ourselves in at least 2 haskayne courses per semester (instead of the measly one we had all year last yr) and those classes have a maximum of around 40 students. So, now we're in smaller classes, but we recognize almost everyone from at least one of our larger classes from last year. Now, just because we recognize them doesn't mean we talk to them. It's so odd, take my accounting class for example.. i recognize TONS of people that i've either had class with before or met through other haskayners during the year last year or at BSD (which was awesome and i met so many people that i had seen all year but never talked to, great time to meet.. at the END of the year). So yeah, i recognize all these people, but my friend Ryan is in that class, so automatically at the start of the year i went to sit with him. So my regular spot is with Ryan in the second row on the right... and accounting doesn't have a group project and u can't really talk during that class... so i haven't even really met any of the other people in the class. Therefore i will spend an entire semester in class with people i recognize but not get ANY closer to knowing them. CRAZY its crazy and dumb.. i wish we were all friends (and not only because i have a crush on the guy who sits in front of me, but that is one reason). But i figure, at the rate things are going, if the same people are in my class again next semester we might get a bit closer to meeting and maybe by 3rd year i'll start talking to more people. If this progresses as such every year.. by fourth year i should pretty much be able to talk to almost everyone that has been in my class, which makes for a lot of acquantances. What other faculty (again, other than engineering) would be able to do that? I don't think that by your 4th year in social sciences you recognize almost every other social sciences student in your year and could potentially have a conversation with them. SO THERE. We're different, and i like it, and i look forward to being friends with EVERYONE.. and more than friends with the guy that sits in front of me in accounting. Hehe.
Well, congratulations to everyone who sat through that discussion. I won't even get into my analysis of residence because that would be 4 times as long as this one.
I thank you for listening..
and even if nobody is listening, at least in 4th year i can look back at this post and see if any of this is true... and if i am, indeed, engaged to the cute boy who sits in front of me in accounting.
Ps: oh giant paperclip, how i love thee
I spose i should get a picture of a Haskayne thing not a science theatres thing. Perhaps i'll snap some photos of me in front of the stock ticker or something. Yeah that sounds great. Look forward to that, k? hehe