Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

cowboys, cowboys everywhere

So last weekend we went to Ranchman's. It was quite the struggle to actually get there, Steph and I decided to go and got ALL dressed up, then we thought everyone else had left already so we changed back into comfy clothing to stay in and watch a movie and drink bellinis, and then turns out they HADNT left and were leaving in like 10 min and forced us to go, so we had to change back into nice clothes and i had to do something with the half made bellinis and it was just altogether very hectic. BUT we drank the bellinis out of a waterbottle in the van, got there around 11 and had a great time - evidence as follows:

We danced up a storm, even Fabian who said he doesn't dance got caught in this comprimising position. He SAID they were just posing for the camera but i dont buy it for a minute. he dance and he LIKED it. hehe

So, i said cowboys everywhere, and that is because mere days after going to Ranchman's, all the same people went to see "Brokeback Mountain". Meanwhile David had THIS picture as his msn picture:

just a coincidence.. i'm sure. Hehehe. More Ranchman's pictures can be found in my photo albums on facebook (see link on right).

Alright so that is 2 activities full of cowboys, what.. you ask.. could be next? howabout COWBOYS! yes, we did venture off to Cowboy's for a little thursday night action, but first a lovely dinner at Open Sesame and some gettin ready with the girls at Lindsay's:

On the right is Pam, Beth, Lindsay, Maren and I - we all went to elementary school together so we had to get in this shot! 10 yrs later and we're still all hanging out. Love it.

Me.. escorted out by the cops?? Naw, just posing for a typical drunken Colleen picture! And on the right .. the obligatory COWBOY picture!! i told you this post was full of cowboys! :)

Check out this link for the rest of mine and stef's pics from that night, there are some GREAT (and scandalous) ones:

Alright that is ENOUGH, i have so much to catch up on before all my midterms this week. I obviously was too busy with cow-folk to get any homework done. Can you blame me? no, no you can't.

Thanx a bunch to Lindsay for our great day together and Stef for our wonderful night together! Love you guys so much and it was so nice to have you back.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

SRTs with wine and cheese

Alright it was about time for another brain dump with SRTs (scattered random thoughts), where Colleen just writes everything she thinks of, even if it is ridiculously stupid.

1) WHEN are Meredith and Dr. Shepherd going to realize that they need to be together? They keep taunting us with longing looks at each other and thinking of each other when they think they might die... BUT REALLY.. they never freaking DO anything about it. WE, as single people of the world, need to believe that love really does exist and we need to see it happen on our favorite hit show, so goddammit! STOP DEPRIVING US!

2) i made risotto last night. It's part of my new program to learn how to cook something new learn how to use a strange new ingredient each week. Last week was orzo, the week before was shallots. This week is risotto, and in particular chicken risotto with fontina and asiago cheese. (That is where the CHEESE part of my name comes in) It wasn't perfect - from what i hear risotto is a tough dish to get 'just right' - but it was dee-lish and i will definitely be trying it again. Here it is in all it's glory:yes, i do take pictures of food. not all food, just food i make that is new or interesting or i'm just particularly proud of making. If you have any negative thoughts towards me about this, such as ridicule or mocking .. you're wrong.. you are really just covering up for your jealousy. BUT if you're nice to me, i just might make YOU a meal.

3) i chipped my tooth. One of my front bottom teeth, just at the very side. I have no clue how or when all i know is that today when i took a drink of water it really hurt cause it was cold, and i looked at my tooth and sure enough it was chipped. darn

4) speaking of teeth i'm going to the orthodontist tomorrow for what i HOPE is my last check-up. If all goes well, at this appointment they will schedule the grand OFF-COMING of my braces, which would probably be a month or so after tomorrow. SO, everyone cross your fingers for me.

5) I had the most random and FUN weekend. Click on the "My Albums" link on the side if you want to see pics from around rez and at the den, and you should.. cause they're funny. I'll give you a little preview:

On the left is me doing a little acrobatics in the service elevator, and on the right is where the WINE part of this blog comes in!

6) i am addicted to cookie dough. why don't they have a support group for that? CDA - Cookie Doughaholics Anonymous, for all the people addiced to cookie doughahol. We could use some help.

7) I don't miss the c-train. I don't miss getting up deathly early to take a busy crowded bus to the ctrain station and then wait for 10 min in the cold and then get on the even more crowded ctrain and not get a seat and then ride half the way to the university standing up while trying to balance my backpack so that it doesn't fall over into the mud on the ground, until finally we let off enough business people and highschool students that i can find that one seat next to a strange person who is most likely going to ask me for money or try and start some conversation about the weather in which i have no interest in participating.

No, i don't miss that. But i do miss having the time each day to just sit, and not have to do anything. Yes there was that hellish month when i was in English 231 and i had to read Frankenstein in 2 weeks and then Jane Eyre the next 2 weeks, so i HAD to read on the train otherwise i'd never have finished. BUT other than that, i took that time on the train for myself. The thing i miss the most is listening to my mp3 player and knitting. Knitting on the train. How awesome. I don't even KNIT anymore cause i feel like i can't afford to. Anytime i'm sitting around i feel liike i should be doing homework, i don't usually do it, but i also don't start knitting cause that would be obvious disregard for the fact that there is homework to be done.

So yes, i miss that one thing about the c-train.

8) cooookie douuuuugh

9) this semester is going by SO fast. especially compared to last semester, i mean this is just insane. It's almost reading week. That is just nutty. Before i know it i'll be getting my tonsils out, well.. i hope i know it before i get them out cause it'd be a little scary waking up from THAT nap!

10) I am going to have to get SO much work done this week if i want to spend some time in reading week with my friends who will be home from university. I have 1 big presentation and 3 midterms the week after reading week. Those 3 midterms are my 3 hardest, they're all 3 hours long, and they're all within 22 hours. Three tests in 22 hours. NOT .. FAIR. To add insult to injury, those 22 hours span friday afternoon, night, and saturday morning. MY GOD, tests on a friday night and a saturday morning should be illegal. OUTLAWED even.

11) On our way to the Den on thursday night we went through the kinesiology building so that we wouldn't have to brave the cold winter weather. We saw, what is PROBABLY the craziest, most ridiculous sport i have ever been a witness to.. i present to you: Crazy Final Fantasy Fighting Man:
(you NEED to click on the picture and enlarge it as much as you can to see exactly what we were dealing with) Needless to say the picture isn't GREAT cause i was a little scared of taking a picture of someone who looked like this. There was a whole fleet of them.. i could have been DEAD right after that flash went off. So i tried to conceal it the best i could and then we ran.

After discussing what sport this could possibly be, we only had one conclusion - it's not fencing cause they sure don't wear crazy black cloaks. Other than that we have no clue.

Alright that's it for SRTs this time
I'll get you next time gadget... nexxxttttt tiiiiime


Monday, February 06, 2006

my new project

Alright before i forget, i added a link on the RIGHT ---> that you can click on to access ALL of my photo albums on Facebook. I should also not forget to thank STEF for introducing me to facebook :) Keep checking on those albums cause i'll keep adding to them!

Now onto my new project. I haven't knit/crocheted anything since Lisa's mittens (which i'm still waiting on a picture of, i forgot to get one at x-mas, in the midst of the big red-wine fiasco, oh dear!).. so i need to get knitting, i totally miss it! I found this gorgeous brown variegated yarn, and it was cheap too! Who cares that its acrylic, its pretty. So i'm going to make a tube top out of it, i want the bust of the tube top in a solid rib, but the rest of the body is going to be in this lace pattern:

The top is the pattern pic from the book "Stitch 'n Bitch Nation" and its super cute, but i don't have enough yarn OR patience to make the entire sweater, so yeah i'm just going with the tube top. The bottom pics are my actual yarn and a little swatch i knit up. Its too bad that it's so damn hard to get a good pic of a swatch. Oh well i'll keep you posted :)

So this weekend was fun, went to the den a few times, went to the Roadhouse one night, and then we had a little beach party over at Krystles (across the hall from me) and didn't QUITE make it to the Den as planned. BUT here is us in our beach attire ! Yay for Krystle my awesome neighbor who i just discovered is a wild party animal like myself!!

Krystle is the one beside me on the rightand the other two are her awesome friends from back home in Nova Scotia.

In other news i'm still on the job hunt. I made Leanne make me promise to actually write up my first cover letter tonight, so THATS what i'm procrastinating doing RIGHT NOW!! If only cover letters were as easy to write as blog entries. Why oh why not?

Alright fine,
i'll go do it


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

i'm officially in love

.. with Facebook!! What an awesome idea. This thing links everyone who goes to school together, or went to highschool together, or have common friends. Its neat-o. My favorite thing now is the fact that it takes like 5 minutes to upload an entire album of pictures.. you have to realize it takes me like half an hour just to get 10 pictures onto blogger. SO now i'm just going to post a little tease for you and then give you a link to go see a photo album in facebook (you can see the album even if you're not a member, but you'll have to become a member to go look at my profile or anything).

Sooo this weekend we had a strange night in rez.. we had some random party to go to but we didn't really know anyone and ended up just wandering the halls a lot .. oh yeah and we had a little excursion down in the basement..

David and Carina drinking while pumping some iron in the basement gym in Cascade! And on the right: best face contest winner 2006 (david not me :p)

Okay so to see the full album just copy paste this link:

yaaaay facebook

Alright and wow, i had a super long weekend and did tons of things. Had a whole Heather day on thursday including lunch at the Santa Fé grill, 5 hours of shopping at southcentre, chocolate fondu at my parents house, and going to see 'Memoirs of a Geisha' with Stevey Walker. Oh my gosh it was so good. Not action filled or particularly emotional, but it was just a BEAUTIFUL movie. Funniest part, however, was right after the movie when Steve said : "The whole time i thought they were CHINESE! I was wondering what the war was doing in China!" .. ohhh boy.
Here is us all happy in the car: (man i love the dashboard/camera/timer thing!)

Well, i have a business law quiz tomorrow so i should probably stop procrastinating and start reading.

You all have a lovely week :)