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Monday, May 02, 2005

Nobody knows where they might end up...

That's such a cute little ditty.. the theme song for Grey's Anatomy, my favorite new show for sure.

So, yes i realize i've been non-existant for a few weeks but.. thats not.. my fault. Ive been busy with exams and summerstock and finding a job and such. Anyhow now i have no excuse so here are some pics from a couple weeks ago when Nikki Kendal and I went to Cowboys for Ladies night.. Kendal has the hookups so we got a limo there for just the 3 of us haha. What fun.. plus we got a whack of free drinks when we got there.. just look at this bounty..

My lord! And we drank all that and much more.

Oooh and we lucked out cause it was 'strippercise' night so there was a chick there teaching it.. if you don't know what it is it's basically an aerobic/dance class with some racy moves, theres no actual STRIPPING involved. Sorry Guys.. but heres a pic..

If you look real close on the right u can see me, you'll recognize me by my really hot jeans. Alright and all that excercise made us hungry so i present to you the UGLIEST EATING PICTURE EVER.....

Haha, love it. And on the right is Nikki and I with two of their ladies night friends Rhys and Spencer.
Alright thats it for tonight. I just went out for a lovely dinner with my darling Cale, and later on i'm going to go see Blaine! Wow everyones home now it's awesome!! Except Akiva.. he's a slow one that boy.


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