Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

more SRT's please

Alright dudes, I was in a "fuck-off, world" sorta mood earlier but it has sort of mellowed out to an "you're cut, world" type thing, so perhaps these SRTs won't be as bitter as i originally thought they would be. Oh and if u just tuned in and don't know what an SRT is.. it stands for 'Scattered Random Thoughts' and pretty much i just ramble on saying what i think as soon as i think it!

1. work SUCKS, managers suck, weekends suck because i have to work every weekend

2. i feel like throwing a big glass jar across the room and letting it smash into a million pieces on my ugly white water-stained walls

3. kraft dinner with chedder cheese baked on top in the oven really does kick so much ass. I was worried that i only thought this was the best snack on earth because i had been drinking the night me and lindsay made it and you know how after u have drinken, most food tastes better? Well, officially that is not true. It really does kick ass ALL the time.

4. Why can't a girl just eat ice cream? NO SERIOUSLY!! When i buy ice cream at school, say.. perhaps a rolo cone to eat during econ class, the girls friend tells he she's morbidly obese and makes her feel shitty. And then when she has a freaking bad day at work and comes home to the small bit of rolo ice cream in her freezer leftover from last night when she really didn't even eat hardly any ice cream, and eats some of this rolo ice cream while she reads her book for english class.. her dad comes into her bedroom and gets mad at her for eating ice cream because she's supposed to be on a health diet. FUCK. LET THE GIRL EAT HER ICE CREAM.

5. i lied. this is going to be just as bitter as i thought it was

6. why does it seem like all of my friends live in a hole? except for nikki, i haven't been able to get ahold of anyone, nor has anyone called me today. I would like to know, just for interests sake, if they all live in one big hole.. or if they all have their own separate holes. Since it's clear that these holes don't have electricity and telephone lines because my friends can't call me from there.. do they even have candles or a flashlight? Because in that case i'm sure they have written me snail mail and then i'll be sure to watch my mailbox.

7. def leppard DOMINATES the power ballad, nuff said

8. Hmm, i find it odd that there's never enough time for me to finish all my homework and studying, yet i have plenty of time to sit and write bitter comments on my blog. Oh well, Darlene asked if i had blogged anything lately and i had to say no.. so i figured it was overdue

9. Random picture time

Look how symmetrical my friends are! Andie and Tyne make my day. :)

10. Everyone MUST go see this video. I deem it the FUNNIEST THING ON THE NET. GO go goooo! don't waste a second! (but come back here after cause i'm not done!)
11. who else can't wait until school's over? I have exactly 24 days till my last exam is over. YAAAY!! Of course those 24 days will be hell, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

12. I need something new to knit. Then again i think i don't have time for knitting.. then again i spend tons of time watching tv so if i just converted that time into knitting time.. or did them BOTH at ONCE.. maybe it'd work out. Hmmm what to knit next??

13. Go to my computer science assignment website.. i a couple videos from one night when Evan, Jill, Akiva, and Sarah were over. Hilarious. I can't seem to get videos to work on here so i'll post more on that website and then u can go there and watch them. It'll be fun, i promise.

14. my mom can be so nice .. SO amazingly nice. Man, i love her.
15. Ryan and I tied on our econ 2nd midterm.. 90%, not too shabby. hooray for studying econ together!

16. Mr. Asparagus is such a boring man by himself. I'm so glad he married Miss Cheesesauce. They make beautiful music together. I can't wait till they make little baby cheesesparaguses. Mmm i will eat so many of their babies!

17. We had a little dinner party last night. I made chicken teriyaki, fried rice, and caesar salad.. while Kevin wrote ALL over my whiteboard. Its some sort of story of his and ryans lives.. see for yourself:

If you look really closely in the right hand corner you can see a couple stickfigures. YES that is Ryan and Kevin holding hands. innnnteresting..
And then Ryan decided he NEEDED to shave his face at my house. Odd. What is even odder is that Kevin and Darlene watched while i took pictures for you all to see:

Anyhow Darlene and Ryan brought strawberry daquiri mix and bacardi so we made ourselves some drinks. We were going to play a boardgame but i couldn't find any of mine so we gave up and just listened to music instead. Here's some more pics:

Yeah, you don't have to tell me twice that i have weird friends!

18. Heather F and her friend Noelle made a blog! YESSS new bloggers to join my cult! Anyhow their blog is witty and cute and original and you should definitely go there - Get this... they have a friend who writes haikus for their blog.. HAIKUS!!! that is KICKASS-RAD!

19. Kickass-rad is my new saying. just note that i started saying it first incase it blows up into the next 'Shizzle' or 'Biatch' or 'Ass-face'.

Alright well this looks like a great time to wrap up my SRTs. As you can see I got happier towards the end of this post. Looking back now it seems silly that i let work affect me so much that it ruined my day. NO MORE. I am happy now.




  • At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey hey Colleen!!!
    Well we don't all live in a hole, you got your buddy Kat to join you in the friendless situation. Least we got each other to socialize with ;). Luv ya babes!

  • At 8:03 AM, Blogger Nick said…

    Hi Colleen. I serendipitously stumbled across your blog and got sucked into reading all 19 of your latest SRTs. Good writing. Good voice.

    (You just never know who's reading your stuff, do ya?)

  • At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Colleen,

    I miss you lots, and hope to see you soon.


  • At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HEY.. thats so cool.. MAC AND CHEESE BACK CHEESE.. love my cheese so gonna do that.. to add on those fiddler on the roof cast listings on your wall must glow in your black light.. hey..white faces.. glowy light.. haha.. freaky.. oh yah... awesome times...

  • At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Colleen my darling,
    I love your SRT's. They made my day. The llama song kicks ass, and I love your Evan/Jill videos. Amusing!! Your blog always makes me smile!
    Love you,
    Paula =D

    P.S. How did your Jane Eyre essay go? Did you maybe get some good themes and shit in there?


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