Colleen Says...

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Elevator Love Letter

Well, I bet you're asking yourself 'i thought this was death week, how does Colleen have time to update her blog?'. Well, you're right it is death week, thanks for remembering, but there's always time for a quick update in the middle of the night just to let you guys know that i'm still alive and kickin. And BOY am i kickin. I'm now done 2 of the 5 death tasks, which are my stats and computer science tests. They both went really well but i guess we'll find out just how well in a week or so. ANYHOW, here are some pictures from last thursday (aka: crazybusymadhouse thursday) at Cowboys. I went there after work and met up with a plethora of people since EVERYONE WHO WAS ANYONE was there (ha lindsay, this means YOU SUCK). Anyways i didn't even have to pay for coat check cause my friend Raf the bouncer was there and he kept my coat for me, what a guy. Alright i'll try to get these pics in chronological order:

Well the first person i saw was Carlee when she met me at the door and i got to skip the insanely long line that would have taken at least an hour to get through, so THANX babe! What an odd picture eh? I guess we're so angelic that our light just blinds people wherever we are, even in dirty busy noisy nightclubs! And then i saw Ann and Mooney and of course they had to show off a little for the camera.

I don't remember who i found first but at any rate i hung out with Eammon (left) and Oli (far right) for a good portion of the night. That cowboy hat was kickin around and i'm not sure that anyone knew whos it was by the end of the night... ewwww. However Oli's friend did buy us shots of Yag so that was fun.

Screw the chronologicalness, i forget what order stuff happened in. I DO know this however... i saw Duncan N there and introduced him to Carlee and they ended up *ahem* "dancing" together all night. And by dancing... i mean sucking face (don't kill me .. either of you). And the pic on the right is from the cab ride home. OH LORD! it was hilarious. It was Maren, Laura, me and Robbie... and lets just say.. Robbie was right pissed. He was sitting in the front seat and kept turning up the cabbie's 2pac cd so loud that nobody could even THINK. So we'd yell at Robbie to turn it back down and he would.. for like a second and then the ADD would kick in again and UP the volume would go. Buuut he paid for the whole ride himself so i'm not complaining.

Thanks a ton to everyone who came out Thursday, that was SUPER FUN times! Oh and i realize i didn't mention that i saw Robyn and Tayler and Katie there but.. thats cause i saw them for like 1 second and then they disappeared therefore i didn't get to take any pictures of them therefore i couldn't include them in my chronological picture story telling time so THERE! Let that be a lesson.. next time make sure i get a picture of you... that goes for anyone who wants a pic of themselves on my blog.. i can't put one on unless i GET ONE!

Alright, perhaps its time to call it a night, tomorrow i gotta go to school, then go to work then write my spanish paper and then try and study for my spanish midterm.. all the while attempting to not die from this week and my cold.


Edmontonians, i'm planning a road trip up with Carlee on the 18th.. so be ready for me cause i'm coming!!! WOOOHOOO! And Heather F.. this means you because i MISS YOU TOO!! We are going out baby!!


PS: i have pictures from lunch with Lindsay and Beth at Red Lobster with Heather as our server... so stay tuned cause i'm saving them for my next post! they are SOOOOO cute you guys

PPS: Carlee and Duncan are now... dating? I think so.. i mean who watches The Notebook at 10pm on a schoolnight with someone you're not dating?? Nobody thats who (unless you're Darlene and Heather on Valentines Day.. unless there's something they're not telling us.. oh boy i'm confused)


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