Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Pictures Galore!!

I'M SO ANGERED. Just as i was about to save this post incase my computer craps out -- MY COMPUTER CRAPPED OUT. AAAAAAAH. firefox just died on me so i am starting again from scratch. That being said.. this post will not be as funny, original, or witty as originally planned. [-- EDITED TO ADD -- it is now 5 days after i was originally going to post this and blogger is still going CRAZY on me so this is REALLY hard. But i'm doing it anyways just for you guys.]

Basically what i had SAID was that we go out way too much here on 4 Cascade. Everyone else has spend 3 straight nights at the Den with afterparties following at someone's apartment. Now since i'm a good girl i stayed home on tuesday night -- but i ended up watching sin city and staying up until everyone got home anyways! So, with no further ado here are some pictures from this week:

Colleen is ready to GO! - - - Nothing better than mixing your own drinks at the bar (cheaper AND tastier, muahaha!!)

Frank builds a tower - - - tower falls down and goes boom!

Colleen's Photo awards:

Best dancing action-shot: Frank - - - Best Hugh Hefner impression: John

Now when you get too drunk and spill ice cubes on the floor there's bound to be some consequences:

Danielle cuts her foot on a piece of ice but NEVER FEAR.. John to the rescue!!

Satanic Ben ruins an other wise nice picture -- Right: QUICK! Pouty face!

I call this picture "All for one", i think it's very artsy and i'm proud of myself.
10 points for the first person to comment and tell me which foot is MINE! (ooooh)

The following are a few pics from the lovely Brandi & Caitlin's party last weekend:

Danielle, Me --- Me, Scott (what's with the kissy face Colleen?)

I said "Do charlie's angels" and THAT is what they came up with... Lame-O!! Maybe it's cause they were drinking THAT... and no it's not water, can't you tell by his face??

Brandi and Me --- Jeremy and me with somewhat of a double chin going on (Freshman 15 anyone?? haha jk, i think i'm losing weight cause it's too much trouble to do dishes after making food so its easier not to have any food! oh boy)

The Karen and Justin series:

Yes there WAS a piggy back race back to Cascade (ahem i believe Jeremy and I won thank you very much).

Alright that's about all the pictures i got for now (that's a lie i have So many more but it would take me forever to post them at the rate blogger is going). Now that it is past 6am i think i will go to bed... after i finish looking at Rielle's online photos and talking to the darling girl.

Love & miss you all!


  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger The Collabos said…


    Those are all awesome and make me feel less like I am missing out on meeting your new pals. I really dig that second last shot there, with Karen popping out towards the camera. reminds me of those crazy Rielle and Joelle hair pics from gala.


  • At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey baby!!
    Your hair is getting long! and you look real pretty!!! Miss ya tons, call me soon cuz I'm only in town for a short short while, my number is in your email.....
    Bye baby! love you lots!!!
    (remember what I got your for your birthday....remember what u got me for my birthday? the wrist warmers make us even!!)

  • At 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hallo Kleine,


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