Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

11 DAYS!

I think i'm going to start packing today, seeing as i have the whole day off from work. But that will have to wait until i finish this entry. You will even get to see some pictures because Lisa sent me some she took on Austin's last night out with us (he is going back to school at McGill).

So, we went out to moxie's Shaughnessy to see Kelly (who works at both moxie's's.. umm.. moxi?? what on earth is the plural? i'm going with Moxi) and then after we went to Boomtown for some karaoke but we only ended up singing a song or two cause we got there late and there were already so many people lined up to sing. Definitely not a stellar karaoke night but it was a fun night with friends: Kelly, Lana, Lana's roommate, MattE, Akiva, Lisa, and Austin. Lisa went camera crazy as usual and had us pose all sorts of crazy ways:

Somehow it's not fair that Lisa looks seductive and i look like a deer in the headlights.
And on the right.. Lemon Face!!!

So this is Akiva and I playing dead, or maybe we're playing movie versions of someone pretending they're dead when really they're just trying not to get killed by a maniacal murderer by tricking him into thinking they're already dead. Yeaa, thats it.
The one on the right i call: "Akiva smells bad, ostracize him."

I don't even know what direction we were getting when we posed for that first pic, but i think it might have been something like: "Colleen, act like you think the fact that Lisa is constipated is just too scandalous for television." That must have been it. And on the right, a completely nice picture of Austin and Lana. It's lana's birthday today too!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hopefully we do something fun tonight, too bad i won't be able to document it on camera.

Alright now i found some pictures on the summerstock page that are cute so i'm going to post some of those too, since my Gala post was definitely not extensive enough, and i'm already misisng summerstock people:

Caley and MattE getting a little wild at after-gala. They should have stood together, what with their color coordinating outfits and similar uggo-faces.

Now this picture is so cool that i'm going to make it big so you can see it, but u can always click on it to make it evvvven bigger.

It's sort of just a snapshot of everyone out in the middle of Ryan's living room dancing and drinking, and if you look to the left you can see Joelle looking like an angel from heaven with her glowing skin and beautiful golden hair. Craaazzzzy.

Okay, i just realized when looking at my pics that i have so many more from the actual Gala that are blog-worthy, so i'm going to save those for another day when i'm again pictureless but want to post pictures. It'll work out perfectly.

Now, i spose i should start on my packing/cleaning.

11 daaaays!

PS: i had a dream last night that i was at camp, and Lisa and Matt Molyneux were there with me, and they were both being mean to me and i couldn't find any nice clothes to wear and it wasn't fun at all. What does it all meannn??


  • At 6:03 PM, Blogger The Collabos said…


    Awww...your blog makes me miss and your craziness so much, and the fact that I wont be in any pics until einter break (That is, hopefully your camera will be repaired well before then).

    I love and miss you,



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