Colleen Says...

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

it is my firm belief that all trail mix should have more m&ms

Man, i'm at my parents house now because it's somewhat easier to study here, plus i can work some shifts and see my friends coming home from university... BUT.. there is NO good snack food here. I totally forgot that about this place because i'm used to buying my own groceries now and so my apartment is always filled with chips and chocolate and cookies and the occasional brownie batch or frozen cookie dough tube. THIS SUCKS! trail mix.. i'm reduced to trail mix :(

Just thought i'd update so anyone who cares will know that i'm still alive. I've just been trying to study a lot lately (trying being the operative word) and even though i had a bit of time to blog, what would i blog about.. all my.. studying? Eww. Well i did do a few fun things in the past few days:

- Matt came home and we went to Moxie's for lunch and to surprise Lisa and lets just say she got in trouble with our manager for screaming so loud in the restaurant
- I worked a shift in moxie's lounge yesterday, it was really really nice to be back, but i forgot how hard working is, especially after being gone so long i almost forgot how to do things
- ...
i thought there was more but that's about it, haha

Well lets see if i can dig up a few pictures... i have none from our lunch at moxie's because my camera was BROKEN.. turns out the batteries were just dead, thank the lord. But lets see what else i've got:

Here's when the debonair Steven Walker came home for the weekend to find an internship job and he brought Roger and Ryan over!! Heather and I made them watch half of Crybaby (with Johnny Depp, oh yeah baby) because we rented it and we liked it and we were damn well gonna watch it!

Lisa came over to my dorm room the other day! Yaaay lisa trekked all the way to me in the freezing cold, i love that girl!! PS: look at my poster on the left .. pretty nice eh? Class all the way baby.

Jill and I went to visit the amazing people at summerstock one night and then went to the bar. I didn't think it was possible but she just keeps getting even more gorgeous, that red hair is just hot! We ended up meeting the owner of the bar and got free drinks all night.. how.. fun! That guy's actually not in any of these pics, and we don't know the guys on the left, but the guy on the right was the owners friend and we were trying to look cute by drinking out of the same drink.. u know.. like on the Archie comics. I dunno, it's sorta cute, right?

Alright that's enough for tonight,
i need to get back to reading anthropology which to my great dismay has now turned into freaking WORLD HISTORY and i hate it
goodnight to you all,

PS: 1 week to freedom!!


  • At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I always said you were one beautiful young lady!!! I miss my Dauncey...she needs to call me when her exams are done :)

  • At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Aww now that matt and everyone seems to be back in calgary we have to get together!

    Good luck on the finals...i love ya and know you'll do GREAAAAAAAT ( Tony the tiger)

    miss ya

  • At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said… time i was at safeway with my sis and we were buying trial mix and she was like " this is what university kids do" and she took 2 scoops of smarties and but them in the mix "It tastes better this way" she explianed...It was really funny!


  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger plouffmeister said…

    Mmm...I Love M&M's...
    I just love food...
    Merry Christmas

  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger The Collabos said…

    Merry Christmas my Enamel Bucket!



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