Colleen Says...

I talk, you listen... and leave me comments.

Sunday, October 31, 2004


Alright well i know halloween is technically tonight but we all have school monday so most people went out last night instead. I went to outlaws with my friends (who shall remain un-named until they let me put their names on) and we had a blast.

I went dressed up like a mummy and my friend went as an 80s girl. My outfit was a little fally-offey so i ended up wearing pants by the end of the night. but it was sooo worth it. what a fun night.

I'm on the left.. and no i didn't use toilet paper for my costume. That's my friend on the right.. isn't she totally radical in that 80s get up??

We saw our friend from Summerstock and danced with him for a while ..


I ended up meeting 2 of my good girl-friends that i went to highschool with and we went out for breakfast at Denny's long after the bar had closed.

okay so i look dead.. that was planned.. i'm a mummy remember?? (shifty eyes)

Anyways i want to thank my 2 friends for going out w/me last night and for driving and everything (hooray for pre-drinking!).



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